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Asian American Medical Society


Exercise Basics

Hello! I've been uploading health literacy videos on Youtube and I thought it would be informative to share some on AAMS. This is my first video so the audio may be a bit low quality but I'll fix it in later videos! Feel free to subscribe or leave a like if you enjoyed! Topic: How to start exercising Full channel here

Need Advice On Medical Career Planning?

2022 Career Development Seminar by the Association of Chinese American Physicians (ACAP) Come and hear our speakers share and discuss their advice and personal experiences about residency, fellowship, application tips, interview skills, job search; as well as topics related to running your own medical practice. This event is free to the public. Save the date: sunday, march 27, 2022 10am – 1pm Registration and agenda coming soon!


Much has been made of the use of “contact tracing” to document and inform people who have been in close contact with someone who tested positive for the novel coronavirus. Close contact is defined as a close, physical or proximate and sustained contact with a person for 15 minutes or more. And this definition in itself is problematic because the virus doesn’t always abide by exact distances and wrist watches. But for now those will be the metrics used to attempt to locate, talk with and...

Organ Donation: Expressed Consent vs. Presumed Consent

The organ donation system should be based on the form of expressed consent, because the expressed consent policy respects patients’ bodily autonomy. Competent patients give expressed consent by signing authorization which allows the doctors to proceed with a certain medical treatment. The applying of this consent to organ donation makes organ donation a voluntary act. More specifically, individuals will not become organ donors without clear statements. It respects a human’s right in making...

Sports in the Age of Coronavirus

We as humans are incredibly unique creatures. We are intelligent, rational and emotional which separate us from most other creatures on this planet. But we are most unique not because we possess language or think, but possess the capacity to play. By play I don’t mean put Legos together, or chase one and other in circle, but that we can lay out rules and guidelines, and stand together, and cooperate. In sports, we set aside our greatest differences and celebrate each other. In sports, no...

UPDATES on the coming Medical Forum

AAMS Medical Forum Time 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM EST (New York Time) January 9th, 2022 Register AAMS Medical Forum Join AAMS Medical Forum 8:00AM-10:00AM Jan 9th, 2022 Meeting ID: 990 762 1376 One tap mobile +13126266799,,9907621376# US (Chicago) +16468769923,,9907621376# US (New York)

“Everything should be made as simple as possible, but no simpler.”

“Everything should be made as simple as possible, but no simpler.” – Albert Einstein, misattributed to Charles Darwin Perhaps one of the greatest intellectual challenges for me as budding scientist and aspiring physician was understanding the concept of “natural selection,” a term I feel perpetrates a great deal of misunderstanding in science, specifically the concept of evolution. I suspect this is the case because the idea of “selection” quite naturally conjures to mind a selector as the...

The Recovery—a podcast about action for sustainable healthcare

Cochrane Sustainable Healthcare and The BMJ are launching a pop-up podcast series, featuring conversations with people finding new and sometimes radical approaches to wind back medical excess and make health systems healthier in the long run The way people currently practice medicine is unsustainable for patients, healthcare systems, societies, and the planet. BMJ estimated that a fifth of what people do in healthcare is not needed.For example: unnecessary tests, treatments, and diagnoses,...

Humans did not cause woolly mammoths to go extinct—climate change did

For five million years, woolly mammoths roamed the earth until they vanished for good nearly 4,000 years ago—and scientists have finally proved why. The hairy cousins of today's elephants lived alongside early humans and were a regular staple of their diet—their skeletons were used to build shelters, harpoons were carved from their giant tusks, artwork featuring them is daubed on cave walls, and 30,000 years ago, the oldest known musical instrument, a flute, was made out of a mammoth bone.

Intermittent fasting makes fruit flies live longer

Whether intermittent fasting is called the 5:2 diet or the 16/8 method, celebrities swear that these eating regimens are a great way to lose weight. Fasting is now trendy, but real science backs up claims that fasting two days a week or restricting eating to an eight-hour window each day leads to weight loss. And scientists have found intermittent fasting has even more health benefits that are not related to weight: Studies in mice and other animals show that intermittent fasting also...

AAMS Forum (8/21/2021) Wrap Up

By Elleen Xue, Founder of AAMS Forum Zoom Video Recording: Thank you guys for participating in the Asian American Medical Society’s first forum! Allow me to introduce myself again. I am Elleen Xue, president of AAMS and a rising senior at Blair Academy in New Jersey. I am interested in becoming a surgeon, and possibly focusing in the specialty of neuro or reconstructive surgery. My co-host, Eddie Zhang, is both the vice-president and a rising junior at the St.
