Tagged With "Biology"
Biology Summer School Experience Sharing Seminar Link
Here is the link for the recording of our last seminar. Those who couldn't join that day are welcomed to watch the recording! https://drive.google.com/file/d/1O1TBkyBkYsIT_91O-U_XITsxTWLoPKlv/view?usp=sharing
CAR Immunotherapy: the New Pillar of Cancer Treatment?
The first pillar of cancer treatment can be attributed to surgery. Ancient Greek and Roman physicians recorded surgical procedures for removing tumors. Roman physician Celsus noted, however, “ after excision, even when a scar has formed, nonetheless the disease has returned.” The removal of tumors could not cure cancer due to metastasis–when pieces of cancer tissue enter the bloodstream and spread to the whole body. In the 19th to 20th centuries, the investigation of X-rays brought the...
AAMS July Seminar: Mind and Hand | Recap
You can find the seminar recording and the supplemental document here: Link: https://pan.baidu.com/s/15barVz5HLQLqyFyYiQfA0w?pwd=uwgv Password: uwgv Required Courses for Medical School Following these links to see the required college courses for medical school: Prerequisite Courses for Harvard Medical School Required Coursework for the School of Medicine at Georgetown University General Academic Competencies for the Perelman School of Medicine at UPenn Usually, pre-med coursework includes:...
Introduction to Cell Mechanobiology (1)
Foreword: You might not know that, while pursuing biology as my major field of study, I am also a physics enthusiast. Over the past year, I have been exploring cell mechanobiology, the intersection of these two disciplines. I was surprised to find new technologies, new experimental approaches, and new perspectives on biology research taking root in physics principles; furthermore, it moved me that these unconventional practices are showing so much promise to medicine and healthcare. Hence, I...