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Asian American Medical Society

Tagged With "Medical student"

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Pee Med Pre Med

2021.8 by Elleen Xue When the crystal ball isn’t so clear . . . . . . one looks to the murkiness in the sphere. Having one foot in the eastern hemisphere and one foot in the western one, in real time, afforded me a unique view of the pandemic. I know, I know, you have read a trillion articles on the pandemic (and here I take the liberty of using hyperbole by exaggerating by orders of magnitude the numbers of cases of the crown prince pestilence) but alas I digress… Just how was it that data...
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August 2020 by Elleen Xue “Everything should be made as simple as possible, but no simpler.” – Albert Einstein, misattributed to Charles Darwin Perhaps one of the greatest intellectual challenges for me as budding scientist and aspiring physician was understanding the concept of “natural selection,” a term I feel perpetrates a great deal of misunderstanding in science, specifically the concept of evolution. I suspect this is the case because the idea of “selection” quite naturally conjures...
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Mandelbrot's Grave Fractals Bio

2021.6 by Elleen Xue Today I decided to spook myself and take a break off the beaten track while hiking through nearby Grove Street Cemetery, where many local and university luminaries are buried. And there, in the furthest northwest corner, was a tract of plain-looking graves of renowned Yale professors, many of who died childless and never married. Then, as I stared down at the flickering and tremulous shadow of an elm leaf hovering over a name, I had a eureka moment. The grave was that of...
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Start a Friends of Medecins Sans Frontieres Chapter (Doctors Without Boarders)

Medecins Sans Frontieres incredible chapters are made up of student supporters who educate and raise awareness about MSF's medical and humanitarian work throughout their communities. If you are interested in opening a Friends of MSF chapter at your college or university, please fill out this survey [ Link ].
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The Founder's Notes:

Nov 2019 by Elleen Xue Beware the dreaded Mei ban fa in Chinese, whose mere utterance is experienced like a punch in the stomach, and is among the most dreaded of expressions in the Mandarin language. But the saying is more than just words; it expresses a requisite lack of emotion and learned helplessness, or acceptance of fate that my parent’s generation seems to have embraced from their parents, and an attitude my generation abhors, but can understand. Mei ban fa roughly translates to...
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UPDATES on the coming Medical Forum

*Co-Founder: Eddie Zhang ·
AAMS Medical Forum Time 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM EST (New York Time) January 9th, 2022 Register AAMS Medical Forum Join AAMS Medical Forum 8:00AM-10:00AM Jan 9th, 2022 Meeting ID: 990 762 1376 One tap mobile +13126266799,,9907621376# US (Chicago) +16468769923,,9907621376# US (New York)
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“Everything should be made as simple as possible, but no simpler.”

“Everything should be made as simple as possible, but no simpler.” – Albert Einstein, misattributed to Charles Darwin Perhaps one of the greatest intellectual challenges for me as budding scientist and aspiring physician was understanding the concept of “natural selection,” a term I feel perpetrates a great deal of misunderstanding in science, specifically the concept of evolution. I suspect this is the case because the idea of “selection” quite naturally conjures to mind a selector as the...