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Asian American Medical Society

Tagged With "American R&D"

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UPDATES on the coming Medical Forum

*Co-Founder: Eddie Zhang ·
AAMS Medical Forum Time 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM EST (New York Time) January 9th, 2022 Register AAMS Medical Forum Join AAMS Medical Forum 8:00AM-10:00AM Jan 9th, 2022 Meeting ID: 990 762 1376 One tap mobile +13126266799,,9907621376# US (Chicago) +16468769923,,9907621376# US (New York)

Abnormal Psychology

Board Member: Oliver Gu ·
In the unprecedented era of the pandemic, the hidden toll of mental illness was unveiled, intertwining with a troubling revelation about the prevalence of narcissistic personality disorder. As isolation engulfed communities and individuals grappled with fear, anxiety, and loss, the conditions created by the pandemic seemed to serve as a catalyst, unmasking the fragility of mental health and illuminating the disturbingly narcissistic tendencies that emerged amidst the chaos. This...

Recovery from the pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has been a global health crisis that has affected millions of people around the world. With the emergence of new variants, it is becoming more important than ever to understand how to recover correctly and quickly from the virus. Recovery from COVID-19 is a multi-faceted process that involves physical, emotional, and mental aspects. In this analysis, we will explore some effective strategies to help individuals recover from COVID-19. The first step in recovering from...

Protein Consumption and Muscle Health of Chinese Elder Population

Background: about protein Almost every activity inside human body utilizes proteins. Protein is categorized as a type of macronutrient. Macronutrient is defined as one of the nutrients able to provide energy. For most people, providing energy is protein’s least significant role in the human body since body will prioritize the energy provision by metabolizing fats and carbohydrates. Protein is regularly spared from energy provision for its unique functions. Its components, the amino acids,...

Adolescents' dietary quality, mental health, and sleep disturbances: a survey conducted in an international school in Dongguan, China

Board Member: Molly Xiong ·
Background : Depression and anxiety has increased over the past decades in Chinese adolescents. The relationship between dietary behaviors and mental illness remains unclear. Objective: This study examined how dietary patterns were associated with sleep quality, physical activity, and symptoms of mental illness. Methods : A total of 169 Chinese adolescent students aged 11-19 years were included in this cross-sectional study. Weekday and weekend dietary behaviors were measured separately.

Commonly Used Anesthetics for Labor

Board Member: Cassie Peng ·
Childbirth has been described as an extremely painful physical activity, with women experiencing the highest pain scores on the medical pain scale, and the birth of modern anesthesiology in the early 19th century opened up the possibility of pain-free childbirth for women. in 1848, British obstetrician Dr. Simpson used chloroform to provide pain relief for a woman giving birth in Edinburgh. In 1848, British obstetrician Simpson used chloroform to successfully administer labor analgesia to a...

Biology Summer School Experience Sharing Seminar Link

*Vice President: Grace Shi ·
Here is the link for the recording of our last seminar. Those who couldn't join that day are welcomed to watch the recording!

Coronary Artery Replacement: Material Report

Chapter Leader: Sherry Mi ·
Summary of Current Coronary Artery Disease Procedures Coronary artery disease (CAD), the leading cause of death in the US, is caused by cholesterol deposits accumulating in the arterial wall and limiting blood flow (Brown et al.). Currently, there are two types of procedures for CAD: angioplasty and bypass graft surgery. In angioplasty, the surgeon uses a reticular metal stent to support the arterial walls at the area of blockage. As a result, the stent can only protect the area of blockage;...

The “Asthma Valley”: Environmental Injustice in the South Bronx

Chapter Leader: Sherry Mi ·
Environmental injustice arises when minority or low-income communities are disproportionately exposed to environmental hazards. The United States perpetuates a negative cycle between environmental injustice and health disparities, as represented in the South Bronx, a neighborhood of New York City. The neighborhood is known as the “asthma valley” due to high local asthma rates: residents face detrimental air pollutants, which significantly debilitate their respiratory tract (Kilani). Asthma...

Urban planning crucial for better public health in cities

The World Health Organization started to emphasize the intersectional of health and urban planning years ago. In 2020, The World Health Organization and UN-Habitat have released a resource book “Integrating Health in Urban and Territorial Planning,” aiming to guide decision makers in the various sectors including public health, urban planning and other related sectors to prioritize human health in urban planning. The sourcebook provides a variety of resources, including frameworks,...


Chapter Leader: Sherry Mi ·
Note: this research article is adapted from a group PowerPoint presentation. I conducted the research along with four other students and primarily edited the presenter notes. The work was finished by June 26, 2024, one day before the Supreme Court made its decision on Moyle v. United States. The original PowerPoint presentation is attached to the article. The References section is also attached. This is one of the scenarios Supreme Court Justices brought up to case advocate Joshua N. Turner...

2024 Nobel Prize Laureates in Medicine and Chemistry

Board Membe: Katherine Wan ·
Nobel Prizes, as stipulated in Alfred Nobel’s will, are decided and awarded by the Swedish Academy of Sciences (for Chemistry) and the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm (for Medicine). Chemistry prizes are dedicated for those “who made the most important chemical discovery or improvement” and medicine prizes are awarded to those “who made the most important discovery within the domain of physiology or medicine”. While connections between public health and medicine prizes can be very clearly...

A Devastating Budget Cut for the National Science Foundation

Board Membe: Katherine Wan ·
In March of this year, Congress cut the National Science Foundation’s (NSF) budget by over $800 million USD for the rest of fiscal year 2024 (FY24). In FY23, the NSF was allotted $9.89 billion. For FY24, the budget cut resulted in a total appropriation of $9.06 billion. Many scientists have advocated against this budget cut, fearing America’s status as an R&D superpower is on the decline. The main country of comparison is China, whose R&D spending has rapidly increased. According to...

Re: A Devastating Budget Cut for the National Science Foundation

Board Membe: Bernice Wang ·
It is really a sad thing to hear as a Science student. I hope the budget for research won't be cut after Trump takes the office.

Lactose Tolerance: the Intersection of Culture, Genetics, and Evolution

Chapter Leader: Sherry Mi ·
Although milk and dairy products are common components of the human diet, approximately 65% of the world’s population cannot completely digest them due to lactose intolerance (Malik & Panuganti, 2023). Lactose intolerance is a heritable trait that typically emerges in individuals around weaning. Previously, the enzyme lactase is produced in the infant’s small intestinal lining to digest breast milk. Lactase consists of four identical polypeptide subunits encoded by the LCT gene on...

Introduction to Cell Mechanobiology (1)

Chapter Leader: Sherry Mi ·
Foreword: You might not know that, while pursuing biology as my major field of study, I am also a physics enthusiast. Over the past year, I have been exploring cell mechanobiology, the intersection of these two disciplines. I was surprised to find new technologies, new experimental approaches, and new perspectives on biology research taking root in physics principles; furthermore, it moved me that these unconventional practices are showing so much promise to medicine and healthcare. Hence, I...

Introduction to Cell Mechanobiology (2)

Chapter Leader: Sherry Mi ·
... continued from Introduction to Cell Mechanobiology (1) . Among the three cytoskeletal filaments, actin filaments assume the most crucial role in shaping the overall mechanics of the cell. They assemble and disassemble rapidly, switching between G-actin (the monomeric form) and F-actin (the polymeric form) flexibly. Therefore, they are apt for reorganization, which drives cell behaviors such as cell spreading. Furthermore, polymerization and depolymerization occur more intensely at one...